Thursday, November 27, 2014


       I keep seeing the words "justice was not served." Regarding this Ferguson tragedy. I also keep seeing the race card being thrown around which is ridiculous because this has nothing to do with race. 
      For one, this case was taken to a grand jury which was made up of nine blacks and three whites. Over 2000 cases have gone to the grand jury this year and only eleven had the result of no indictment. The evidence of this case relied heavily on the testimony of the witnesses, in which most of the witnesses said the saw Micheal Brown charge at/attack Darren Wilson. That alone is enough to not indict him, He reacted not only as a human but as a police officer on duty. Yes, I believe six shots was a little excessive but one also could of killed him as well. To think justice was not served in this case is outrageous due to the fact if it had gone the other way with the same evidence, everyone would of been glad with the outcome...
      The fact that no one will ever no what happened besides the officers and the victim that were involved. All the outbursts and riots that are going on are not going to do anything to the decision. The people don't understand that the officer had to do what he had to do not only to protect himself, but to protect others. Yes, it looks bad due to the fact it was a young black minor with a white officer, it can't be a reason on why the officer made his choice in everyone's eye's. The loss that the family has received and everything that they are going through shouldn't involve the whole community in my opinion making things worse for everyone and putting more unnecessary violence. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Comment on Abrahams post on "Marijuana" Yay or Nay?

Hey Abraham, i totally agree with your what your saying in this post, The views of marijuana are different for many people. In our society today, marijuana is not only sold as an illegal substance but is also available for medicinal purposes in some states. For example, Marijuana can be prescribed for medicinal use in states including, but not limited to, California, Colorado, New York and Washington. Based in Colorado, The five Stanley brothers started a non profit organization called Realm of Caring to promote medical marijuana research and to make the product more accessible to the people that cannot afford it. Now, low-THC, high-CBD marijuana makes up about 75 percent of the Stanley’s crop.  Although there are many opinions regarding the risk verses reward when it comes to medical marijuana, the foundation Realm of Caring proves the effectiveness works miracles on numerous patients today. So now only if our government would just see that its very helpful in many ways, and not only see the so called "harm" it's doing to everyone apparently we would have it everywhere right now. Marijuna profits made in those states is out of this world high!!! Can't even imagine here in Texas.. Like I stated earlier there are people in the industry of Marijuna that want to help and not just get high, yeah we all enjoy marijuana here and there maybe all the time, but their are young kids, teens and even older folks with desieases that need marijuana to reduce there fatal symptoms. Thats all there is too it. 

Friday, October 31, 2014


      An event our government needs to be more seriously addressed towards is what we call a "border". I'm definitely against the efforts we are putting to this so called wall. I mean it's supposed to keep illegal immigrants and any kind of threat from the cartel out yet it's only 11 or so feet tall and ends... The fact that no one is even safe going to any part of Mexico without any kind of self protection from the cartel should show the government that we need to more about this. The fact they blow the situation off their shoulder pisses me off. Innocent children; boy or girl no matter the age, women, men, anyone for that matter are losing there lives or being tortured for thier pleasure or "to show they are loyal to themselves disgusts me. The fact that some police are working for them and say they can't control what's goes, the cartel might as well run Mexico since there is no kind of enforcement towards the crimes they commit. Also the border being a tool for them to smuggle drugs across should be another reason for them to add some kind of financial help to improve it. If I was in any kind of power through the government this would be at the top of my "to do list". Then the fact that we meaning president Obama and Central American leaders haven't discussed this issure since July is another problem and another reason why nothing is getting done. Yeah they say they put this budget aside for change and improvement but what has been done.... Nothing. Especially since when more than 47,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the border in the U.S in the fiscal year that could be double in the next coming months is a major problem. Again I say children...not adults that know there ways around. Just imagine those numbers.

Friday, October 17, 2014

"Generation Sext"
       This argument is very serious in my opinion. When it comes to young CHILDREN sending what could be considered pornography it should never be aloud or agreed upon. Yes, of course it's going to happen and yes no one will be able to stop it, but it should be carefully monitored by parents and anyone that is being targeted. The fact that the more it happens the more common it becomes in others eyes is ridiculous to me. I guess we forget that these are minors who are and will be role models for the younger generation. So what does that show them..? That it's okay to send inappropriate pictures..? No. In the blog it states, "Sexting is a form of sexual activity." That I disagree with in more than one way. Sexual activity is way more than sending a picture or sending inappropriate messages talking about it. Talking about it and actually being part of it are COMPLETELY different. Also being in a relationship doesn't give you the obligation to having sexual activity with your partner whoever it may be. Yeah It may lead to more couples attempting to have sexual activity but it's not a guarantee. Most people that are old enough to engage in sexual activity should be mature enough to know when it is okay to participate and when not to. Being in the situation where a man or woman is being forceful towards the idea of it the opposing should contact someone about it . So yes I am against the whole "sexting" concept but it can be stopped and should be more closely watched.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Can Atheists be elected?

 In USA Today news on October 1st, 2014, Tom Krattenmaker argues that "atheists" should be allowed to run as one of the major party candidates. Stating that, "It tells you something that in a time when "no religion" is the category of roughly 20% of Americans, virtually none of the hundreds of Democrats and Republicans vying for congressional seats identify as a religious "none." Because of that half of the true non-believers don't even try knowing they wont have a chance.
Isn't every American supposed to be treated equally? White? Black? Short? Tall? I believe so due to the fact that everyone isn't raised with the same beliefs, that doesn't mean that they can't compete in the same elections as everyone else that is considered normal for "following" in a certain religion. I'm agreeing with Krattenmaker saying that, "This situation should not, and will not, hold for long." Being atheists doesn't mean you don't have the same views on politics as another one of your colleges, so why jump to conclusion and assume that they don't and reject towards the ballot...? Just shows how Americans are now so much more judgmental than before.

Friday, September 19, 2014

" Got it Wrong."


               I would recommend reading this article not only because I like football, but to show everyone that even the people that some of us look up to make mistakes. The fact that now multiple NFL football players have committed the crime of domestic violence now finally a real lesson has been learned...? I don't think making an example out of Ray Rice was the best option. I'm sure everyone has seen the video and has there comments on it, but its not on us to "assume" what really happen.
           Seeing that the NFL commissioner Roger Goodell admitted that he took the wrong procedure of not only suspending Ray but kicking him out of the NFL  shows something. What about boxer Flyod Mayweather Jr. and his six cases of domestic violence on different women which led to him going to prison for two month's. He didn't even get a slap on the wrist; all he did was continue to fight after fight making him the highest paid athlete alone. Do you see something wrong with the system.....I DO. My point is any athlete especially being ro-model's to the younger generation should all get the same punishment if any. EASY AS THAT.