Friday, October 17, 2014

"Generation Sext"
       This argument is very serious in my opinion. When it comes to young CHILDREN sending what could be considered pornography it should never be aloud or agreed upon. Yes, of course it's going to happen and yes no one will be able to stop it, but it should be carefully monitored by parents and anyone that is being targeted. The fact that the more it happens the more common it becomes in others eyes is ridiculous to me. I guess we forget that these are minors who are and will be role models for the younger generation. So what does that show them..? That it's okay to send inappropriate pictures..? No. In the blog it states, "Sexting is a form of sexual activity." That I disagree with in more than one way. Sexual activity is way more than sending a picture or sending inappropriate messages talking about it. Talking about it and actually being part of it are COMPLETELY different. Also being in a relationship doesn't give you the obligation to having sexual activity with your partner whoever it may be. Yeah It may lead to more couples attempting to have sexual activity but it's not a guarantee. Most people that are old enough to engage in sexual activity should be mature enough to know when it is okay to participate and when not to. Being in the situation where a man or woman is being forceful towards the idea of it the opposing should contact someone about it . So yes I am against the whole "sexting" concept but it can be stopped and should be more closely watched.  

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